
Robin and community action


Robin Murray was a close and supportive comrade for many years. In particular we worked together on a variety of projects and programmes where he gave his advice and support without let and with enduring enthusiasm. Community development was at the root of what brought us together - and we combined that process with a wide range of issues and actions.

Local Food, Growing Food, Community Allotments, developing local resilience in the face of global warming, cycle routes freed from traffic, adult education and - in particular - women in South & West Yorkshire at Northern College, Barnsley, where, we worked together with Michael Barratt Brown to establish roots as well as routes to develop and change local cultures over a generation - with children who would never dream of going to University. They did eventually - following their mothers - such was the success of our work with local Women's Groups born and established during the Miners' Strike.

Robin was a year younger than myself. From my perspective I lost a friend, comrade and a guide in perplexing times. Yet still, In current times - we need the empathy, patience, listening skills, and the wisdom borne of Robin's own development approaches..

Now, once again in difficult times, we should resolve to sustain Robin's intellectual achievements and his commitment to change and development in our times. His personal commitment, ideas, proposals, and thoughtful interventions still sustain my own thinking about local community action for change. He would have relished the current climate rebellion process!

David Browning